Top 10 Shorthands for HTML!

Top 10 Shorthands for HTML!

SHORThands of HTML!

Here are the top 10 shorthands of HTML:

  1. <br> : This is the shorthand for a line break tag. It is used to insert a line break or new line within a paragraph or other HTML element.

  2. <hr> : This is the shorthand for a horizontal rule tag. It is used to create a horizontal line to separate content.

  3. <img> : This is the shorthand for an image tag. It is used to insert images into HTML documents.

  4. <a> : This is the shorthand for an anchor tag. It is used to create hyperlinks that can be clicked to navigate to other pages or sections within a page.

  5. <ul> : This is the shorthand for an unordered list tag. It is used to create bulleted lists.

  6. <ol> : This is the shorthand for an ordered list tag. It is used to create numbered lists.

  7. <li> : This is the shorthand for a list item tag. It is used to mark individual items within a list.

  8. <table> : This is the shorthand for a table tag. It is used to create tables for displaying data.

  9. <tr> : This is the shorthand for a table row tag. It is used to create rows within a table.

  10. <td> : This is the shorthand for a table data tag. It is used to create cells within a table row.

These shorthands are commonly used in HTML documents and can save time and effort when creating web pages.